
Showing posts from January, 2017

Ratings of Perceived Activation (RPA Scale)

I would like to introduce my method for measuring muscle activation, a Ratings of Perceived Activation Scale.  I developed this chart to help manage problematic areas that need to be addressed.  It also helps my clients provide feedback regarding their ability to consciously activate certain muscle groups. By assigning a number to a client's muscle activation, a map of their muscle activation can be made. This makes it easier to focus on establishing muscle activation in areas that need it the most. Example Client:  Cyclist complaining of quadricep fatigue, difficulty breathing, knee and lower back pain. RPA Map: Quadriceps: 10  Gluteus Maximus: 3  Rectus Abdominis: 10  Pectoralis Major: 8 Middle trap/ Rhomboid: 4 Back extensors: 5 A quad dominant pedal stroke stresses the patellar tendon.  By working on muscle activation protocols to increase glute activation specifically for the bike, knee pain diminishes.  Increasing back extensor activation h