
Showing posts from September, 2019

Glute Activation Test for Athletes

THE ULTIMATE GLUTE ACTIVATION TEST: The knee limited single leg squat. This simple test (video below) identifies compensation patterns and the participant's ability to overcome them.  This is a great test for anyone participating in sports or activities that require single leg power and control (running, cycling, basketball, football, soccer, raquet sports, climbing, etc).  I initially created this test to evaluate my progress towards reducing quad dominance, but I discovered that it can also reveal activation abnormalities in the deep hip rotators and core.  Since it does not require normal ankle mobility (dorsiflexion) or normal hip mobility (flexion), it's a great way to dissect your squat form and reveal imbalances that might have gone unnoticed. PASSING SCORE: Head, torso, knee does not touch the foam roller. Hip, knee and ankle maintains anatomical alignment throughout the entire movement. Thoracic spine remains neutral. Scapula remains in neutral position.