About Me

My name is Vincent Vergara.

I provide personal training locally and nationally through web-based online personal training.  I specialize in general health and sport specific programs such as my personal favorites- running and cycling.

My mission might surprise you.  My ultimate goal is to help clients become independent exercisers that can exercise safely and make sound decisions without the close watch of a trainer.  Exercise and living a healthy lifestyle is like riding a bicycle for the first time, the personal trainer is the training wheel and once the beginner has the balance and skills to ride, it's ok to take the training wheels off.

As a certified personal trainer from a nationally recognized organization with a Fitness Specialist degree, I developed rules that I follow as a trainer:

  1. Always study.  Many of the physiological topics in exercise science have already been identified, but many fads try to hide it by offering a quick-fix magic pill.  One revelation that catches most off guard is that weight loss is just a simple addition and subtraction equation.  The most difficult part of weight loss is having the motivation to tackle this equation on a day to day basis.  I'll have more on this on a separate post.
  2. Learn through experience.  Whenever I would recommend an exercise, product or training technique to someone else, you can be sure that I am talking from experience.  In school, I was always the student that volunteered to do the maximal endurance tests and thermal regulatory labs in my favorite class, exercise physiology.
  3. Never speak out your butt.  The worst thing a trainer could do is make up an answer on the fly.  It's impossible to know everything at one time, but it is possible to find the answer to any question.  If I don't know something, I will research and read multiple sources and present what I learn in way that is easy to understand.  This is why all of the fitness and training related articles posted on this blog will have references.
  4. Lead by example.  Most people would not quit smoking or eating poorly if a morbidly obese doctor with a pack of cigarettes told them to stop.  Same goes with trainers- that's why I exercise 5-7 days a week and follow the healthiest lifestyle possible.
  5. Don't do all of the work.  I can only help those who are willing and motivated to learn and do the work.  Results are never a quick and easy fix, it requires discipline and hard work to get there.  If you are willing to put in the time and effort, I can help you get the results you want and in often cases, need.
How should you use this site?

Although this blog is still in its early stages, it will develop into a training resource that everyone can use to educate themselves about health/ sport-specific training.

Why can you trust the information on this site?

Since I don't work for or hold a sponsorship by a supplement, exercise fad or diet system, you can be sure that the information on this blog is not biased.  I just want everyone to get the information they need to live a healthier lifestyle.

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