Smart Exercises - Plank Wipers

This is a great exercise for training the core to resist asymmetrical loads generated by the shoulders, lats and chest.  If performed to volitional fatigue, you'll noticed how the work is placed largely on the oblique and quadratus lumborum. Since these muscles are very important in stabilizing the trunk to prevent lateral flexion, this exercise will help you develop a stable spine more resistant to herniations and slipped discs caused by this motion.

CYCLING BENEFIT:  If you've ever wanted to learn how to sprint like a Pro, cycling technique is your answer.  An upper body that's out of control will never produce a fast or explosive sprint.  While the arms are working quickly to counter the forces created by the legs, the torso is always steady.  By training the core this way, the upper body will be able to effectively stabilize and hold your trunk and hips in the optimal position for power production.  This produces a sprint that looks powerful and effortless at the same time.

As you develop better technique out of the saddle, you might even decide that you don't need the saddle anymore!  Below is a video of a commute to Performance Bicycle after my seatpost clamp broke and forced me out of the saddle.  Luckily they had a spare seatpost clamp available when I arrived there!

Happy Cycling (Standing)!

Vincent is an ACE (American Council on Exercise) certified Sports Conditioning Specialist and Personal Trainer with a degree in Kinesiology.  He specializes in core training for cyclists, injury prevention, motor control training, corrective exercise (rehabilitation) and cycling-specific strength training for improving VO2max, Lactic Threshold and most importantly, Cycling Economy.


  1. I love to go long stretches out of the saddle - personal record was for an hour on the road entirely in the 50/11 with a group. Generally I do this every ride for some stretch where "ideally" I'd be in the saddle. Its an important skill, really helps for those quick pushes sometimes needed. The super long out of saddle efforts are great for toughening up the feet too. Lots of benefits!


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